Subsea loading hose exchange

The challenge

One of our clients in the Netherlands needed a 16-inch subsea loading hose to be changed out and connected to a tanker mooring and loading system in the North Sea’s Dutch Continental Shelf. And Bluestream was awarded the contract to tackle this demanding task.

The solution

Preparations for the project started with the installation procedures and design of the deck carousel, over-boarding chute, hose installation frames and other bespoke installation equipment. All of this equipment, including a full-surface supplied air-diving spread and ROV system, was deployed on the DP2 DSV Stril Server. 

Next, the new subsea loading hose was loaded on deck in two sections, using a combination of the vessel crane and dedicated deck winches. Meanwhile, the old subsea hose was removed from the tanker mooring and loading system offshore, and the new hose was installed. The old hose was recovered to the deck of the DSV and transported back to shore for disposal.

The scope included:

  • Design and installation of deck equipment
  • Pre-assembly of the loading hose onshore
  • Disconnection of the old subsea loading hose 
  • Installation of the new loading hose, including associated retrieval rigging
  • Recovery and off-loading of the old loading hose
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