Seaeye Panther-XT Plus TMS

The Seaeye Panther-XT Plus is a compact work class vehicle, featuring a versatile platform for subsea intervention tasks.

The Seaeye Panther-XT Plus is a compact work class vehicle, featuring a versatile platform for subsea intervention tasks. In contrast to the ‘standard’ Panther-XT, the Panther-XT Plus features a double amount of horizontal thrusters. The high thrust capabilities in relation to its size makes this the ultimate vehicle for operating in harsh environmental conditions with strong currents.

The Panther-XT Plus is equipped with a 4-function grabber and a dexterous 7-function manipulator from the Schilling Orion manipulator range. This configuration allows the vehicle to perform rough and heavy operations or fine coordinated manipulation tasks.
Bluestream’s Panther XT Plus systems are equipped with a B/W and colour camera and a multibeam imaging sonar (acoustic camera) as standard.

The vehicle’s tooling HPU, in combination with large EPODs with fibre optic communications, makes it an ideal platform for a wide range of subsea tooling and survey sensors.
  •  Strong current operations;
  •  Subsea intervention;
  •  (Heavy) hydraulic tooling;
  •  Extensive interfacing possibilities.

The Panther-XT Plus system exist out of three separate units, making it easy to transport and mobilise. The control cabin is housed in a 20 ft container that provides everything for controlling the ROV and auxiliary equipment. Additionally it contains an office space for system documentation and project reporting.

The ROV and its TMS system are deployed from a 20 ft A-frame Launch and Recovery System. This frame contains all the equipment required for launch and recovery of the ROV
including umbilical winch and HPU.

For ROV maintenance and eventual modification and repairs the system is provided with a 15 ft workshop container. This unit contains spares and consumables for maintenance of the ROV according to the preventive maintenance system, and also provides the ROV team with a complete set of tools and materials for ROV modification and repair.

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